
The 12th International Kant Congress in Vienna is dedicated to the antagonism of nature and freedom, which is a highly topical issue in discussions today as it was during the Enlightenment period. The question of to what extent human actions are guided by nature or free will seems even less clear in modern times than back in the 18th century. Kant’s writings offer significant potential for topical interdisciplinary discussions that connect philosophy with natural sciences, medicine, neurology and psychology, law and social sciences. The Kant Congress 2015 will mainly focus on these issues. However, there will also be three key topics related to Vienna: Kant and the Vienna Circle, Kant and phenomenology, and Kant and the poets. Furthermore, there will be various additional sections to include the wide range of topics in Kant’s philosophy. The official languages of the Congress are German, English and French.

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Information on the Kant Congress in Pisa 2010

12th International Kant Congress 2015 | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Vienna