

  1. Kant's Precritical Philosophy
  2. Metaphysics
  3. Epistemology and Logics
  4. Philosophy of Science and Nature
  5. Teleology
  6. Ethics and Moral Philosophy
  7. Philosophy of Law and Justice
  8. Philosophy of Politics, History and Culture
  9. Anthropology and Psychology
  10. Religion and Theology
  11. Aesthetics
  12. Kant and Precritical Rationalism and Empiricism
  13. Kant and his Poets
  14. Kant and German Idealism
  15. Kant and the Vienna Circle
  16. Kant and Phenomenology
  17. Kant and Neo-Kantianism
  18. Kant and Eastern Europe
  19. Kant and Traditional Asian Philosophy
  20. Kant in Schools
  21. Kant in the Present
12th International Kant Congress 2015 | Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1  | 1010 Vienna